Friday, February 3, 2017

The Difficulty & Blessedness of Waiting

Be strong & let your heart take courage, all you who wait for & hope for & expect the Lord! Ps 31:24

Times of waiting & need, when things are completely out of our control, bring us to the Lord & keep us looking to Him, building our faith like nothing else. That has been the story of our lives this past year or more.

I would have despaired had I not believed 
that I would see the goodness of the Lord 
In the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord
Be strong & let your heart take courage;  
Yes, wait for & confidently expect the Lord

Ps 27:13-14

Things have not yet stabilized in So Sudan, but the longing to return to their homes is strong & we pray earnestly with those of Borongole, that God would build their faith in the waiting & ready them to return when He opens the door.  

Jon & Joyce are also longing & have done a great deal of waiting to finally make it  to the US.

These times of delay & waiting force us to consider our God & ask ourselves … Does He see?  Is He able? Does He have a plan? YES, YES, YES!!!! He is more than able & cares more than we can imagine, but He also knows so much that we do not know & cares so much for us that He desires to do MORE than we are asking. So he calls us to “walk by “faith” & trust His timing & to wait on Him!!

As Jon’s friend and fellow radio presenter, Andama, said to encourage Jon when he was very down: 
 “If God was not there, there would be reason to be discouraged… God will delay for a specific purpose.”  
As they always say,“Rubanga a a” = God is there!

Waiting is a blessing b/c of Whom we wait upon. Our Father by his Spirit builds our  faith in Christ Jesus [that leaning of your entire human personality on Him in absolute trust
confidence in His power, wisdom & goodness.]” 
 Col 1:4 AMP  Col 1:4 AMP. 

When we consider what He has already done for us, [by becoming one of us & giving His life for us; that “He Who knew no sin became sin for us” & gave us His righteousness] we can rest assured that He hears our cry & is more than able to intervene in all that concerns us. We are finding that times of waiting on Him, though hard, are precious times that we come to know Him more, as we believe for His purposes to be accomplished in our hearts as we wait on Him!!

Behold, the Lord’s eye is upon those who fear Him, 
who wait for Him & hope in His mercy & loving-kindness Psalm 33:18

Jon & Joyce have spent a lot of time praying & waiting on the Lord with so much out of their control. They've been in training to run to Him. This has drawn them closer to God & each other. 

Mid-Dec., Jon & Joyce flew to the capitol of Juba, So Sudan, for her passport, b/c it was too dangerous to make the 2 hr trip by road. BUT there was an error in her passport & then the passport machine broke, so they had to return home & wait. Once the new copy was available, they prayed for weeks for a way to get the passport, so Jon would not have to fly back again to Juba & repeat all that risk & expense. With no mail service in the country, they have had to trust that God's timing is perfect & if He parted the Red Sea, He could deliver her passport at the time HE KNOWS BEST! Believing HE IS DOING FAR MORE AS WE WAIT!!!

I waited patiently & expectantly for the Lord; & He inclined to me & heard my cry. Ps 40:1

Finally, on Jan. 20th Joyce's "corrected" passport was hand delivered to them. 
It was scanned and sent to William to get the VISA PROCESS underway... 
BUT Feb. 1 receiving the copy of her passport, we realized there is still a major error as her name was not correctly changed to Gune (Goonay) Joyce Lueken, so 
& b/c of court involvement to change the name  it will COST $1000 for a new passport.

Feb. 6, Jon had to go 8 hrs. to the Embassy in Kampala in southern Uganda while he is fighting malaria, in order to get himself a new passport b/c when he goes into So Sudan he pays $100 for a visa & each time they cover a page w/ the visa, so all pages of his passport are used up.
But the Embassy turned him away and he had to wait for an appointment, in order to travel back to South Sudan. Finally, He got an emergency passport on 2/17 & the day he got back, he had to take Joyce to the nearest hospital 2 hrs. away b/c of serious abdominal pain that returned. An ultrasound showed the baby is fine, but her kidney is inflamed & she is being treated for kidney infection. 

So as they face yet MORE delays,


than we could hope or imagine 

as we WAIT ON HIM!! 

”Now to Him Who, by His power that is at work within us, is able to carry out His purpose & do superabundantly MORE
far over & above all that we [dare] ask or think 
[infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]— TO HIM BE THE GLORY in the church & in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen” 
Eph. 3:20-21

Join us as we pray for the MORE...

provision of an extended visa 
(a year or more, not just the usual 3 months) 
that allows them to stay as long as God knows they need to be here to get: 

desperately needed  medical training for Jon,

for rest & restoration of health

 provision to travel to meet many of you 
who have been praying for them

 & to have their baby here in June/July 

& any other WONDERFUL PLANS HE HAS in store!!

 Christmas 2016 [married for 6 months]

PRAY for the hearts of the people of South Sudan who have waited for years to have a normal, stable life that they have never known. 

Also God seems to be opening 
an unprecedented door of opportunity 
to make a huge difference in the country... 
beyond belief!  [stay tuned] 

"For a wide door of opportunity for effectual service has opened to me there, [a great and promising one], and [there are] many adversaries. 
1 Corinthians 16:9Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

Meanwhile, we are soaking in the wonder of the blessing & privilege of living here at Maplewood Lodging & 1850 B&B! We so enjoy meeting & serving the B&B guests and have been delighted to have friends come to stay with us as our personal guests!! We love it out here & can’t wait to share it with you!!

Many of you know, Roger had a pacemaker heart implant in mid-November. He definitely has more energy & does not sleep as long, but we find he still needs naps. When he thinks he’s the bionic man and neglects that fact, we still deal with some of the same issues as before though not as frequently. Prayerfully, thankful!

I expectantly wait for the Lord, & in His word do I hope. Psalm 130:5

And I, too, am starting to have a few of the same issues as Roger, so we are earnestly praying and asking God to direct & provide so that we can see a local Osteopath, who has helped some friends here, to get to the root of the cause of various physical, mental & emotional symptoms. Meanwhile, God is working in me personally, some needed compassion that I was lacking for Roger through the years.  He uses all things for good.
Be still & rest in the Lordwait for Him 
patiently lean yourself upon Him
Ps 37:7a

Emma got her driver’s license & is taking online art classes. Projects from Lesson 1 & 2

We have been w/o a 2nd vehicle that Emma can drive since Oct, so we’ve prayed & waited & recently we were offered a car, a gift from the Lord, through friends. This is very timely, as Emma just last week started 2 more part time jobs, one as a nanny & the other at an afterschool program.  She needs wheels to get to her multiple jobs each week & we need more than a 3-seater truck for when Jon & Joyce come. God knew.

Josh & Mary have a new puppy that is growing very quickly & the new love of their lives.  Josh’s love of the quiet, peacefulness of fishing, has him traveling to find ice fishing spots as he is able & the weather cooperates & he is enjoying creating videos of his adventures on his Youtube channel “Fin Slayer”… takes after Papa Flynn & Uncle Dan L.

Your love, support & prayers 
have been such a great source of encouragement. 
We appreciate so much you praying with us as we look to the One Who works in our hearts & the hearts of others as we all look to Him for what ONLY HE CAN DO.
There is much to look to Him for in own our personal lives, concerning South Sudan & here in this Nation. Believing that His Kingdom has come & His will is being done in so many ways that we cannot see!!

And therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you;
& He lifts Himself up [on the cross],
that He may have mercy on you & show loving-kindness to you.
For the Lord is a God of justice.
Blessed are all those who earnestly wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him
[for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, 
& His matchless, unbroken companionship] Isaiah 30:18 AMP

Waiting on the Lord for this grand reunion with much Grace and Gratitude,
Roger & Patty, & Emma                                                            

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Operation Nehemiah PO Box 502, Otis, MA 01253    
VISIT us at: Maplewood B&B 266 North Main Rd  Otis MA 01253 
MAILING address: PO BOX 502 OTIS, MA 01253