THANK YOU!! The Lord’s blessings are going forth & His purposes are being accomplished ONLY by all of us working together... your prayerful support mixed with our prayerful going, AND the REACHING OUT of the indigenous people of South Sudan themselves, who are on the ground sharing God's blessings & His Good News!
“There should no longer be any
question that the average Christian, here or there, who supports ministry,
teaches Sunday school, raises a godly family, or uses his or her spiritual gift
in offering service, exhorting, leading , or showing mercy (Rom 12:6-8) is
critical to the spread of Christ’s Gospel… Not all believers can or should be
missionaries, but every believer, regardless of his or her education and financial
ability – or natural & spiritual gifting, has a place in missions.
Paul said this very thing quite succinctly in his letter to the believers in Rome. He told them, “Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord, will be saved. How then shall they call upon Him in Whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him Whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent” (Romans 10:13-15a) ? “Senders” are just as critical as “Goers”. Let’s not make aces of the front line pilots without making heroes of the Rosie Riveters who are making their important role possible.” ~ from the book, The Great Omission, by Steve Saint (son of missionary Nate Saint, who died with Jim Elliot & 3 other men in order to reach the Aucas/Waodani of Ecuador)
Your role is crucial and greatly appreciated!! Your prayers, giving, hosting, contributing of donated goods, etc. ALL equip us to go, so that we can help equip the people of South Sudan. Then the things we gain and learn from the people there, we can share with you!! We are a team with each one doing his part.
PRAISE GOD on Monday we still needed $4500 & now we only need an additional $2000:
~ $1000 for extra baggage fees for 4 MORE extra bags of donated items (16 bags total)
~ $1000 for travel expenses to get to South Sudan. The dear ones in Boronogle will take good care of us once we arrive. As Jon says "Their hospitality is second to none... sharing all that they have been blessed with.
It's never too late to donate. Any funds that come in, even after we leave, will be wired to us on the ground to aid in the work there, help to pay monthly visas and get us home!!
fly out of Boston Nov. 29 and return Jan 21st 2016 (though Jon will
stay in his beloved Borongole until fall of 2016). We are excited about the
adventures ahead and we know He will be with us through all the trials we
As we
cling to Him, may He have His way in all of our hearts!
With great appreciation for your love and support and especially your prayers,
Roger, Patty, Jon & Emma
Operation Nehemiah Missions website
To Donate on the website, scroll to the bottom - Choose "option #2 "
Mail checks to Operation Nehemiah PO Box 2401, Plainville, MA 02762