Tuesday, September 25, 2018

God is meeting our needs day by day!! We call it "Manna mode!"

Our God provides for all our needs according to his riches in glory!

On Sun. Sept. 23, as we drove from VA to EQUIP international in NC, I had great hope & joy-filled expectation rise up in my heart as I thought of WHO GOD IS!!! We are crying out to Him & seeking to walk in HIS PLAN & to be WHERE HE WANTS US TO BE and DOING WHAT HE WANTS US TO DO, so we can be confident in His faithful provisions, guidance, & direction for the future. Not only that, but also very excited for all that God has ahead for Jon & Joyce as they cry out to him in this difficult season!

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Students begin to gather at EQUIP International
We had set out on our trip on Sat. 9/15 with enough funds to make it to our first stop & a week later, having stayed with dear praying friends along the way, by God's faithful hand we arrived Sun. evening 9/23 at EQUIP International in Marion, NC, just in time for orientation.
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Joyce getting her picture taken

We are overwhelmed by the beautiful accommodations they are allowing us to stay in... a little 4 room dorm/house (right next to the chapel, student lounge and dining hall) with a small kitchen that has a refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, toaster & dishes so Roger & I can have food for us & Patience while Jon & Joyce's tuition covers all their meals! (We figured we would have to get a hotel miles away)

Patience and Abi EQUIP accommodations.JPG
Abi (Grandpa) & Patience hanging out in our rooms

Also they offered Jon and Joyce a scholarship discount off their tuition, which God has faithfully provided the balance due as well as the minimal charge for us staying on campus. 

I got to sit in on the morning devotions and filled up with tears 3 times, first, when they opened in prayer, second, when we sang these words to the first song we sang...

What love could remember, no wrongs we have done

Omniscient all-knowing, He counts not their sum
Thrown into a sea, without bottom or shore
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

What patience would wait, as we constantly roam

What Father so tender, is calling us home
He welcomes the weakest, the vilest, the poor
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

What riches of kindness, He lavished on us

His blood was the payment, His life was the cost
We stood 'neath a debt, we could never afford
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

Praise the Lorr-ord, His mercy is mor'-or'-ore

Stronger than darkness, new every morn
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more
Praise the Lorr-ord, His mercy is mor'-or'-ore
Stronger than darkness, new every morn
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

 Third, after a wonderful presentation about God's hand in cross cultural missions, when they asked those who spoken another language to come forward to sing "God is so good" in their own language as we all sang in English, my heart just burst.. 

Joyce at EQUIP to sing .JPG
Singing in Russian, Spanish, Madi (Jon joined Joyce & I got a video but internet is slow so I can't even watch it)

This is so vital for Jon and Joyce who've had no missionary training like this whatsoever.  The hearts of these veteran missionaries from all over the world are offering to pour into these, who are new on the mission field, all the wisdom, lessons, counsel that they have gained as they have served the Lord.

Just a glimpse of much that God is doing that we can see & we rejoice in all He is doing that we cannot see... thus we are overwhelmed knowing just a fraction of His goodness, wisdom, power, grace, mercy & love!!!

"Needs are my best riches, for I have these supplied by Christ. I think the sense of our needs, when we have a restlessness & a sort of spiritual impatience under them, because we need Him whom our soul loves, is that which makes an open door for Christ; & when we think we are going backward, because we feel deadness, we are actually going forward; for the more sense of need we have, the more life there actually is, and when there is no sense of need, it argues that there is no life."
There is no sweeter fellowship with Christ than to bring our wounds and our sores to him."
- Samuel Rutherford

Keep clinging,  Roger & Patty Lueken, Jon & Joyce & Patience
Patty (774) 254-4336 Roger (774) 210-2800 Jon (774) 203-8308 

1.To Donate on the website, www.operationsnehemiah.org  scroll to the bottom - Choose "option #2 "
 (we get 96.8% of your donation through PayPal)

2.PayPal onlighthouse@gmail.com with monthly donation option (we get 96.8% of your donation through PayPal)

3.Mail checks to our new address:
Operation Nehemiah  c/o 23 Tyringham Rd. Lee MA 01238
(we get 100% of your donations by check) 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Please join us in praying for MORE than we could ask or think Eph. 3:20!!

Asking you, our praying friends & family, to join us as we cry out to the Lord for just about everything.... 
There has been so much going on it's been impossible to keep updating you and way beyond fully explaining.
It's as if everything in our lives is in the Lords hands...

Our future housing, ministry support, upcoming ministry trip, people we love & are concerned about. So much is unknown in our future & God certainly has our attention! We have been waiting on Him earnestly & are seeing His hand at work in our hearts, so we have to believe he is at work in the hearts & lives of those we are earnestly praying for... Therefore, we have HOPE!!

With God's help we will finish packing up all our belongings & putting them all in the storage by the end of the week.

By faith we will be heading out on Sat. 9/15 on a ministry trip for which we need God's provision & guidance even to firm up the itinerary and take the first step. We are heading down to North Carolina so Jon & Joyce can attend a week long Community Health Evangelism course.

We also need His provision & guidance regarding our future housing once we come back from our trip in early to mid October.

We need His provision of so much... but already there is an offer of needed furniture so He must have a plan for a home for us. See our blogpost/update if you haven't read it already for details of how this all came about

Our hearts have been so heavy with concern for others as well, that these impossible circumstances have caused us to wait on the Lord and pray more than when the future seemed clear. 

Thank you for joining with us as we look to our great & mighty God for Whom nothing is too difficult & Who holds us in the palm of His hand & there we find rest (most of the time... we have our moments & that's when we fall back on our knees).

Clinging to Him,  Roger & Patty Lueken, Jon & Joyce 
Patty (774) 254-4336 Roger (774) 210-2800 Jon (774) 203-8308

1.Operation Nehemiah Missions website www.operationsnehemiah.org To Donate on the website, scroll to the bottom - Choose "option #2 " (we get 96.8% of your donation through PayPal)
2.PayPal onlighthouse@gmail.com with monthly donation option (we get 96.8% of your donation through PayPal)

3.Mail checks to our new address:
Operation Nehemiah  c/o 23 Tyringham Rd. Lee MA 01238
(we get 100% of your donations by check) 

Operation Nehemiah updates Facebook page www.facebook.com/groups/792420867442485/

Our blog: Glorious Things He Has Done! theluekens.blogspot.com
 Read all of Jon's *South Sudan Adventures:  fromjoninafrica.blogspot.com