Friday, November 27, 2015

Your prayerful support mixes with our prayerful going, AND the REACHING OUT!

THANK YOU!! The Lord’s blessings are going forth & His purposes are being accomplished ONLY by all of us working together... your prayerful support mixed with our prayerful going, AND the REACHING OUT of  the indigenous people of South Sudan themselves, who are on the ground  sharing God's blessings & His Good News!

“There should no longer be any question that the average Christian, here or there, who supports ministry, teaches Sunday school, raises a godly family, or uses his or her spiritual gift in offering service, exhorting, leading , or showing mercy (Rom 12:6-8) is critical to the spread of Christ’s Gospel… Not all believers can or should be missionaries, but every believer, regardless of his or her education and financial ability – or natural & spiritual gifting, has a place in missions.

Paul said this very thing quite succinctly in his letter to the believers in Rome. He told them, “Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord, will be saved. How then shall they call upon Him in Whom they have not believed?  And how shall they believe in Him Whom they have not heard?  And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent” (Romans 10:13-15a) ? “Senders” are just as critical as “Goers”.  Let’s not make aces of the front line pilots without making heroes of the Rosie Riveters who are making their important role possible.”  ~ from the book, The Great Omission,  by Steve Saint (son of missionary Nate Saint, who died with Jim Elliot & 3 other men in order to reach the Aucas/Waodani of Ecuador) 


Your role is crucial and greatly appreciated!!  Your prayers, giving, hosting, contributing of donated goods, etc. ALL equip us to go, so that we can help equip the people of South Sudan. Then the things we gain and learn from the people there, we can share with you!! We are a team with each one doing his part.

PRAISE GOD on Monday we still needed $4500 & now we only need an additional $2000:    

  ~  $1000 for extra baggage fees for 4 MORE extra bags of donated items (16 bags total)

  ~  $1000 for travel expenses to get to South Sudan. The dear ones in Boronogle will take good care of us once we arrive. As Jon says "Their hospitality is second to none... sharing all that they have been blessed with.

It's never too late to donate. Any funds that come in, even after we leave, will be wired to us on the ground to aid in the work there, help to pay monthly visas and get us home!!

We fly out of Boston Nov. 29 and return Jan 21st 2016 (though Jon will stay in his beloved Borongole until fall of 2016). We are excited about the adventures ahead and we know He will be with us through all the trials we face. 

As we cling to Him, may He have His way in all of our hearts!
With great appreciation for your love and support and especially your prayers,

Roger, Patty, Jon & Emma

Operation Nehemiah Missions website 

To Donate on the website, scroll to the bottom - Choose "option #2 "

Mail checks to Operation Nehemiah PO Box 2401, Plainville, MA 02762

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Off the Road to in the Air... the count done begins... we're Africa Bound!

Off the Road to in the Air the count down begins we're

How do you summarize a 6 ½ week, 7490 mile ministry trip?

God connected us with so many dear friends old & new; equipped us materially, financially & in many other ways;  & even gave us a couple of unexpected adventures!! We are extremely thankful to those that opened their homes for us to stay and share; and those who arranged for us to speak in their local area or who traveled to see us.  We were overwhelmed to come home to a living room stacked with boxes of donations we had shipped home.  Soon, we had an additional 11 large boxes of donated items from a thrift store to add to the dozen or more bags of clothing that caring friends had already donated. 

 PRAISE GOD most of the needs which were presented while on the trip have been provided for:

- Additional water storage in the village
- A well for Pastor Remise’s church in the wilderness
- Renovations & solar refrigeration for the medical clinic
- the last days of our trip, we connected with CHAPIN LIVING WATERS  who  sold us 10 bucket drip irrigation & a ¼ acre drip irrigation kits for 80% off retail!! Just enough for Jon to start experimenting with drip irrigation thru the dry season.
Travel to South Sudan - Nov. 29 – Jan 21
Since our return we have been waiting on the Lord, seeking His daily bread, & asking Him to order our steps in the days ahead.  We are having a yardsale to raise needed funds for the upcoming trip & friends are donating their unwanted items to help with the cause.

This trip is important in more ways than we can express. We have much to bring with us and Jon will train others in installation and use of drip irrigation to grow food in the dry season for the first time. God has put it on our hearts to listen to the people, hear their stories & as He builds relationships, look to God together for all He has.


Prayers for the upcoming trip -  Nov. 29 – Jan 21

$4000  We have our airfare & got the cheapest rate ever!!

$2000 Travel to & from South Sudan (Visa’s for Uganda $400 South Sudan $300, etc.)

$1000 $200 Needed supplies for us of food & kitchen supplies, duffle bags for donations, additional luggage, malaria prevention,  solar flashlights, probiotics, toilet paper, & more.

$1000 Anti venom injection & anti venom extractor kits that need to go over on this trip (in 2014 to 2015 at least 10 people needlessly died of snake bites in the surrounding community) 

$3000  $1000 for obligations back home for the next 3 months

4 extra bags for $FREE God DID provide just what is needed or make a way for the extra donation baggage to be waved.

>>>That God will touch hearts & lives in South Sudan for His Kingdom through discipleship/realtionships, divine appointments, & sharing God’s blessings. 

>>>>Most of all that we would listen to & learn from the people & that God’s Spirit would unite our hearts in Him.

Clinging to the One Who holds all things in His hands,
Roger, Patty, Jon & Emma

Operation Nehemiah Missions website

To Donate on the website:

 scroll to the bottom & Choose "option #2 "

Mail checks to Operation Nehemiah PO Box 2401, Plainville, MA 02762

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Lueken family is off again!!

Packing today as Jon flies out early Sunday am for his Third World Medical MissionsTraining course at EQUIP International in NC. We, 3 remaining Lueken's, will drive to southern NH to share about Operation Nehemiah at the new location of the Church at the Intersection.

Then on Monday 9/14 we drive south to Maryland to stop to pick up 200 handmade dresses and 100 handmade pairs of shorts for boys, from "Let's Dress the Girls" ministry of ladies! They will have a potluck with an an opportunity to share about the ministry and make new friends!! What a way to kick off our trip! See a picture of our general route for this 7 week ministry trip below.

We appreciate your prayers, especially for Jon as this next 2 weeks of training will be full 14 hour days with no breaks... Much to be exposed to and absorb. Trusting that this time will be fruitful as he rubs shoulders with other missionaries and missionary Doctors who will be training them... Who knows, perhaps God would put it on one heart to come to Borongole to serve in the medical clinic, where we have no official presence currently.  That is a great prayer need at this time!

Pray also for the goals for this trip:

To share the vision of Operation Nehemiah, what God has already done & the current needs on the ground with all who will listen.

To raise awareness, prayer and financial support & to raise funds for:
1)Drip Irrigation
2)Additional clean well water storage
3)Renovation of the Medical Clinic
4) Solar powered refrigeration for medicine

​Our itinerary is more detailed than this, but this gives you the general idea and if we are coming through your state perhaps we will be coming near you or have days available to come to your home or church to share with a few friends or many.  Just give us a call 774-254-4336 or email. We hope to post our speaking schedule on the website soon.

We look to Him for our daily bread and for Him to direct our steps.
We are also praying about returning to South Sudan in November. God is abundantly providing much for us to bring over, so we know we are going, but He's in charge of when.

In Him Who keeps us,  Roger & Patty Lueken & family
R  (774) 210-2800  P & Op N  (774) 254-4336 Email:

Operation Nehemiah Missions website
To Donate on the website scroll to the bottom - Choose option #2 
Choose PayPal or Credit card NOTE: one time or recurring/monthly option

Mail checks to Operation Nehemiah PO Box 2401, Plainville, MA 02762 

Saturday, July 18, 2015



PART 3:  South Sudan is in a deep economic crisis. Recently, inflation has grown exponentially, leading to much higher food prices. Food is very expensive and mostly imported from Uganda.  The challenge of the work load on the farm is extensive & we are opening 50 acres of farmland up from last year to counter the current food crisis.

Lord, enable them through Your provision to increase farm production & the building of housing on the farmland needed to stay there, now that seeds have been planted... Two great needs that are connected... You are executing Your plan to make Beth Israel Farm a fruitful place in every way, so that the people of Borongole may be blessed to continue to be a blessing providing food for themselves and to the surrounding communities in South Sudan for Your glory!!!



An essential need:   DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM to help through the coming dry season from October to March.  It would be a huge blessing if Jon could return this fall with drip irrigation in hand. $3000 NEEDED

The WELL SYSTEM NEEDS GREATER STORAGE CAPACITY due to higher demands.  Many families come very far to access one of the 5 faucets placed throughout the village. When the sun goes down or on a cloudy day the solar pump cannot work . The one tank capacity runs out quickly  & does not resume until mid-morning the next day when the solar is recharged. Therefore, a second holding tank would double the storage capacity and last into the next morning.  $1000 NEEDED
Generous donations have kept the MEDICAL CLINIC equipped with medicine, & an ambulance, but there is a great need for SOLAR REFRIGERATION for the tests and medicines so they do not expire in the heat prematurely.  In addition, there is a great need for major RENOVATIONS of the clinic. $5000 NEEDED

You may or may not be aware of Jon’s recent bout with cerebral malaria, 6/15 to 6/19, which hit him hard after his return to the US & put him into a coma. This is so rare for doctors here, he would have been better off dealing with this in Africa.

Reading stories of others with serious malaria in the US, caused us to anticipate & prepare for a long haul,  BUT GOD!!!  He rallied His people.  Many cried out in His glorious & powerful  name asking for His intervention.  When the doctors were worried as to why he was unresponsive for so long, God intervened and Jon woke up on day 3!!! 

By On day 5 they cancelled the plan for days of acute rehab & Jon came home!

We looked forward to resuming our work with Operation Nehemiah, but three weeks later, he ended up back in the hospital...

where we just spent another week, 7/11 - 7/16, with Jon who had neurological complications following his full recovery form malaria. This was not a relapse of malaria, but due to immunological weakness, he picked up something that would not effect you or I adversely.  Jon had tremors, jerking movements, and speech problems and even, hallucinations. Slowly they ruled out bacterial meningitis and other possibilities and settled on viral meningitis, but his symptoms more mirrored Post Malaria Neurological Syndrome, which is so rare most doctors have never heard of it!
With both, the patient can recover on their own, so it's time for Jon to rest and heal & as you can see he is doing much better!
Our greatest need now is for MONTHLY SUPPORT so we can go forward to travel where invited to share, whether homes or churches locally or far away. Even $10 or $20 a month would be a great blessing as Roger has stepped away from employment to be involved more.
Note: there is reoccurring payment option that is taken monthly from your credit card or PayPal.

We as a family are looking forward to traveling together  to raise awareness and raise support for Operation Nehemiah Missions.   In the days ahead we will be scheduling SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS, to share the vision, what’s been accomplished on the ground and the plans that God has called us to in faith!
It was a miracle of God’s provision that we made it to Borongole in April!!  Jon hopes to return by the end of October ready to install drip irrigation to nourish the many crops planted this year. Roger has been asked to return with Hannah Levi’s dad, Rob Kirkman, to help set up donated dental equipment and I will be needed to accompany Roger because of his health issues, and Emma longs to return with Jonathan, as well.   William highly approves of our returning.
Thank you for continuing in believing  PRAYER FOR A RETURN TRIP TO BORONGOLE  this fall. We want to be wherever He wants us, and trust Him to order our steps in the days ahead.

Thank you for partnering with us & the people in South Sudan. We/they so appreciate all your prayers and support.
Clinging to Him for all we need,   Roger, Patty, Jon & Emma

On Line tax deductible donations can be made at Operation Nehemiah Missions website
To Donate on the website Scroll to the bottom - Choose option #2 
Then choose PayPal or Credit card - Note the one time or recurring/monthly option.

       Mail checks to: OPERATION NEHEMIAH MISSIONS PO Box 2401, Plainville, MA 02762
(Main headquarters: P.O. Box 563  Lanesborough, MA 01237)

Read more Adventures in South Sudan at: or

*Jonathan recorded an audio book of William Levi’s story, THE BIBLE or the AXE: One Man’s Dramatic Escape from Persecution in Sudan. For your donation, we’ll send you a homemade copy (9 Cd’s) of the audio book or the actual hard copy book if you don’t already have one,  just let us know which one. (please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery).