Sunday, April 17, 2016

Packing to move, packing 6 more bags to send to So Sudan & YARDSALE 4/29-30

Thank you for your caring prayers as I (Patty) recover from malaria. I am feeling well & working on getting back my stamina. Trying to do a little each day toward packing up our personal belongings in order to move just after Mother's Day 5/9/16 to our new home & adventure as Inn Keepers at Maplewood Lodgings in Otis, MA, Berkshire County.

BUT, our first task is to pack up all the wonderful donations we have already received of clothing, shoes, soccer balls, sewing kits & discipleship material that are piled high in our small living room (first pic). The duffle bags we ordered arrived and we filled four with 50 pounds each of donations!! The second picture shows you how much we still have left over and then some. This pic does not include the two more bags of donated medical supplies and discipleship materials & more stuff that Jon requested.
 God is good and His people are so generous!!!

We also plan to have a YARD SALE on Fri./Sat. APRIL 29 & 30 here at 86 E. Bacon St. Plainville, MA, in order to raise the funds needed to purchase additional medical supplies and discipleship materials, as well as, to cover the cost of extra baggage fees to get them on the plane with the Levi's on May 1. 

If anyone local wants to donate yard sale items to sell, Roger can use his truck to pick them up. And any donations toward the cost of last minute purchases and extra baggage fees would be a huge blessing!!
WE'D LOVE FOR YOU TO STOP BY & VISIT US before we move west over those two days 4/29 & 30 if you're free!!!

So much has been happening in our lives that keeps us constantly on our knees, crying out to God for physical healing and restoration of relationships, and for God to do what we cannot do on so many levels. It is a time where God has shown us our prayers are way too small for a God so great!! The Battle is His and we praise the King of kings & our Father, Who is able, powerful and more willing than we can imagine.  To Him be the glory!!!

Thank you for taking time to read this and for your prayers & support.

Much grace,  Roger & Patty Lueken & family
(774) 254-4336 Finally able to get Roger a replacement phone (774) 210-2800

Operation Nehemiah Missions website 
To Donate on the website, scroll to the bottom - Choose "option #2 "
Mail checks to Operation Nehemiah PO Box 2401, Plainville, MA 02762 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Two bags sent to South Sudan... 6 more to go!!

I (Patty) have just gotten home from the hospital after fighting an unexpected case of Malaria over the past two weeks. As a result, we never got to have a planned visit with Timothy Levi, Country Director of Operation Nehemiah South Sudan, while he was here these past three weeks. We can hardly beleive it. We are so glad we at least could make it to the airport on 4/5 to see Timothy off! 

AND we were able to send him with 2 extra bags filled with 16 separate packages each containing a study Bible and 4 other books from The Gospel Coalition & Peacemaker Ministries for each household in the village!!! We sent lots of donated medical supplies and other items Jon requested! Also God provided through 2 generous donors the $200 for each extra bag! We are so thankful and so excited about what God will do with these discipleship tools for every household!!

In the next several weeks we will not only be packing to move to the Berkshires after Mother's Day, but we will also be packing more of the above plus all the clothes & shoes we still have waiting to go over to South Sudan to send with the Levi's May 1st . We will include additional things that Jon cannot get over there; and Christian music that proclaim the Gospel for the radio station. One young man, who loves music, has really taken an interest in the Keith & Kristyn Getty's Hymn's Cd that we brought over with us donated by Gospel Coalition . He has been gathering other young people together along with Jon to pray together and sing their hymns.  

Here is what he wrote to me... "before asking for anything from Him, we went on and we sung from the Modern and Traditional Hymns that you gave me. Song number 3 BY FAITH, we managed to follow it from the book while playing it on the Computer, and other teachings came from Psalms 88,Psalms 5:1-6, Isaiah 58, Romans 3:21-31, Romans 11:33, Matthew 11:28-30, Psalms 138.  And a song was again sung from the same book Number 9 IN CHRIST ALONE.  This is how we came together to cry out to God and we learn that we have to walk by faith not by sight and we even prayed for all of you. So this is how God has revealed Himself to us today, His Love, mercy, wonders, were all clearly showed to us,our prayers were about many things,we prayed for God's restoration of broken relationships,broken hearts,spirit of forgiveness,prayer for different countries."

Jon is so excited as he participates with these young people singing these songs that are filled with the message of the Gospel. One  young man who joined them is a Ugandan worker and new to the village, whose younger siblings live with his grandparent b/c both his parents were killed, and he had to leave school after elementary level to work. 

We are overjoyed to see these direct answers to the prayer burden we have had to see the beauty of the Lord and His Good News go forth into the hearts of the dear people of South Sudan.

Thank you for your prayers for us as we make this transition to our new home in western MA. These past couple of months since returning from Africa have been some of the hardest months we've ever faced for multiple reasons.

When faced with trials on every side,  we know the outcome is secure.
And Christ will have the prize for which He died, an inheritance of nations. 


We know God's plan ahead is a good one for us as a family and for the ministry, as we can meet and PRAY with William and Hannah and the other Operation Nehemiah Board Members on a regular basis. 

He is with us through it all, bringing about His purposes for our good and His glory!!
Clinging to Him as never before, Roger, Patty & Emma

Jesus, Draw me ever nearer  As I labor through the storm
You have called me to this passage  And I'll follow, though I'm worn

*May this journey bring a blessing  
May I rise on wings of faith
And at the end of my hearts testing  
With Your likeness let me wake

Jesus, guide me through the tempest  
Keep my spirit stayed and sure
When the midnight meets the morning  
Let me love You even more
Let the treasures of the trial  
Form within me as I go

And at the end of this long passage