Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Lueken family is off again!!

Packing today as Jon flies out early Sunday am for his Third World Medical MissionsTraining course at EQUIP International in NC. We, 3 remaining Lueken's, will drive to southern NH to share about Operation Nehemiah at the new location of the Church at the Intersection.

Then on Monday 9/14 we drive south to Maryland to stop to pick up 200 handmade dresses and 100 handmade pairs of shorts for boys, from "Let's Dress the Girls" ministry of ladies! They will have a potluck with an an opportunity to share about the ministry and make new friends!! What a way to kick off our trip! See a picture of our general route for this 7 week ministry trip below.

We appreciate your prayers, especially for Jon as this next 2 weeks of training will be full 14 hour days with no breaks... Much to be exposed to and absorb. Trusting that this time will be fruitful as he rubs shoulders with other missionaries and missionary Doctors who will be training them... Who knows, perhaps God would put it on one heart to come to Borongole to serve in the medical clinic, where we have no official presence currently.  That is a great prayer need at this time!

Pray also for the goals for this trip:

To share the vision of Operation Nehemiah, what God has already done & the current needs on the ground with all who will listen.

To raise awareness, prayer and financial support & to raise funds for:
1)Drip Irrigation
2)Additional clean well water storage
3)Renovation of the Medical Clinic
4) Solar powered refrigeration for medicine

​Our itinerary is more detailed than this, but this gives you the general idea and if we are coming through your state perhaps we will be coming near you or have days available to come to your home or church to share with a few friends or many.  Just give us a call 774-254-4336 or email. We hope to post our speaking schedule on the website soon.

We look to Him for our daily bread and for Him to direct our steps.
We are also praying about returning to South Sudan in November. God is abundantly providing much for us to bring over, so we know we are going, but He's in charge of when.

In Him Who keeps us,  Roger & Patty Lueken & family
R  (774) 210-2800  P & Op N  (774) 254-4336 Email:

Operation Nehemiah Missions website
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Choose PayPal or Credit card NOTE: one time or recurring/monthly option

Mail checks to Operation Nehemiah PO Box 2401, Plainville, MA 02762