"Grace to you and peace from
God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. [We, Lueken's] thank [our] God in all
[our] remembrance of you, always in every prayer with joy, because of your
partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this
that He Who began a good work in you, will bring it to completion at the day of
Jesus Christ. It is right for [us] to feel this way about you all, because [we]
hold you you in [our] hearts, for you are all partakers with [us] of grace…For
God is [our] witness, how [we] yearn for you all with the affection of Christ
Jesus." Philippians 1:2-8
are thankful for you & for your prayers & support that helped to make
our 54 day trip possible. We thank our God Who carried us, challenged us,
changed us and gave us more of His perspective and His heart for the people.
A large part of what was accomplished was relational.
God deepened our relationships with others on the ground & filled our hearts with love & a greater burden for the people of South Sudan. We also setup drip irrigation; Rog preached in church and on the radio a total of 17 times & I (Patty) was his secretary;
ROGER PREACHED TWICE AT BETH ISRAEL CHURCHJon was regularly working & learning more at the medical clinic and we all assisted with many trips to the farmland to harvest oranges, sesame seed, sorghum, cassava, etc.
only been home a week, & there’s lots to do: we worked on year-end tax
receipts this week and & then we will have an extended few day meeting with
the Levi’s to debrief and pray together. So this is just a quick update.
God overwhelming supplied more clothing & shoes than we could take over (we took 17 bags over). We are now looking forward to packing up all that we still have in storage for the Levi’s to take over in May. We will also be asking God to supply one of the greatest needs we saw which is for Gospel literature. We’ve taken Bibles in the past, but this time we got 2 free pastor’s sets of books through Gospel Coalition. While some of the books were way beyond their English, there were a few that were worth their weight in gold (TITUS FOR YOU & GALATIANS FOR YOU). Roger shared from them when he preached 3 nights a week on the radio. So we have a real burden to get multiple copies from the “God’s Word for You” series, such as on ROMANS & EPHESIANS. We would also like to gather children’s gospel books, & books from Answers in Genesis, & other ministries, as well as general educational materials, etc. to share with the families.Upon returning from Africa, we were surprised to find out that we need to move by the end of April, but God was not taken by surprise. We actually had an unexpected offer of housing prior to leaving for Africa. So we welcomed the news about our need to find another place to live and we look forward to new adventures in the Lord!
Speaking of unexpected… this trip was full of unexpected blessing, challenges, opportunities, and more that caused us to draw closer to the Lord than ever before. Prayer was the regular business of the day and we walked through many days talking to God, crying out to Him, & praising and thanking Him for His unseen hand at work around us.
'I say to you, he who believes in Me, greater works than these he will do.' Jn 14:1
"Prayer does not equip us for greater works,
Oswald Chambers
"Prayer does not equip us for greater works,
Oswald Chambers
JON (after he recovered) & EMMA & FRIENDS
Jon remains in his home in South Sudan. Though it was hard to say goodbye, we are thankful. Unlike missionaries of the past that we read about while in Africa, such as, Jim Elliot & Pete Flemming , etc, or Adonirum Judson, & John Patton, we can communicate by phone. Their stories put everything in perspective for us. We all have been changed in the process of calling on God. We trust much fruit will be born because of what the Lord did as we looked to Him, knowing only He can do that intricate work in all of our hearts. Our burden to pray for the people in Borongole and beyond is far greater than ever before.
God bless you richly as you serve Him,
Roger, Patty & Emma Lueken
More updates & pictures to come
Operation Nehemiah Missions website www.operationsnehemiah.org To Donate on the website, scroll to the bottom - Choose "option #2 "
PayPal onlighthouse@gmail.com
Mail checks to Operation Nehemiah PO Box 2401, Plainville, MA 02762