For the past year, William Levi had been asking us to join Operation Nehemiah full time. He has lived for the past 20 years trusting God completely to provide for his family as he raises awareness, prayer support, and funds for Operation Nehemiah. As God moves on people’s hearts, He takes care of the Levi’s & the people of Borongole, as well. Officially, our home had already become an Operation Nehemiah (East) office, out of which Jon sends his updates and we have done what we could to support Jon and also promote the ministry in small ways. Since the time when Roger was unemployed last summer, we have been more earnestly praying about this, but still hesitating to take this step of faith as we have done in the past. For some reason it has been more difficult to take this next step than ever before. But in many ways we have been literally hemmed in by God!!
Monday, March 31 was our first official day of full time work for Operation Nehemiah and we spent the morning in prayer and planning. Later, in the day, I emailed about availability of exhibitor tables at the MASS HOPE Conference 3 1/2 weeks away (April 25 & 26). By the next day we were overwhelmed by God’s clear hand moving on the heart of the coordinator to see if he could squeeze us into a lobby space with a handful of other ministries and the cost of the booth was exactly what God had just provided!! There are a number of other specific blessings that came from this and we were so blessed by this encouraging door that God opened, even though we inquired so late.
We see God’s faithfulness daily providing for the needs of each day, so we trust His manna will continue as He directs our steps!!
We are praying about a travel itinerary in order to share about Operation Nehemiah as a family. We are hoping to go to a few more CONFERENCES this year when Jon is with us. Even better, we would like to set up speaking at CHURCHES or sharing in HOST HOMES. Would you be willing to invite some of your friends to come to see pictures & hear about what God is doing in South Sudan? PRAYING about heading SOUTH the latter 1/2 of JUNE to the MIDWEST in late JULY, NORTHEAST late AUGUST & SOUTHWEST in the FALL.
In addition, God is giving us insight and wisdom into Roger’s health & exhaustion issues. In the meantime, his not having to get up before 5 am to drive bus is giving him a better nights sleep, and daily he now has time for us to pray & work together on things for Operation Nehemiah & beyond as the Lord directs. Though his need for sleep has not changed, we already see a marked improvement in other areas and rejoice in God’s leading.
"Every morning in the planning of your affairs,
acknowledge your own disability &
commend yourself to the work of His grace in desire & action.
Entreat Him for help that Christ may live through you." ~Samuel Ward
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