We wanted to share with you our vision for working with Operation Nehemiah to raise support, so that we can continue to volunteer to serve those over in South Sudan that could never pay us for these services; and so that you can be a part of what God leads us to do as we serve Jonathan, the Levi family and the people of Borongole (Bore-ong-go-lay), South Sudan and beyond.
We got involved with Operation Nehemiah in 2012. Our son Jonathan has been to South Sudan three times (8 months in the last year and a half) to help with the work of Operation Nehemiah in the field. He has helped in the implementation of various projects within the ministry of which were Nehemiah Conference Center, Nehemiah Brick Production, Nehemiah Agriculture initiative and Biblical discipleship on the Radio. Jon is currently serving as Assistant Coordinator for Sustainable Development for Operation Nehemiah in the USA & South Sudan.
In 2013, we offered to take some of the load off William who has much to juggle as they work as a family to help the people of south Sudan. We became an extension of the Main Mission office in Lanesboro, MA, by William authorizing our opening an Operation Nehemiah bank account and a PO Box 2401 here in Plainville, MA, so that we too could help get the word out and receive donations on behalf of the ministry.
1) PRAYER IS THE WORK as Roger often reminds us & is something that we feel we are just beginning to really learn, as we are becoming convinced that apart from Him we can do nothing. THE BATTLE IS THE LORD'S!! With so much out of our control, we see how very much we need Him for everything!
1) PRAYER IS THE WORK as Roger often reminds us & is something that we feel we are just beginning to really learn, as we are becoming convinced that apart from Him we can do nothing. THE BATTLE IS THE LORD'S!! With so much out of our control, we see how very much we need Him for everything!
a) Communicate regularly with the main headquarters & on the ground in South Sudan. Report the needs in South Sudan, whether online or person to person, creating updates, flyers & brochures to get the word out to more people.
Mass HOPE Conference with Rob & Ruth Kirkman (Hannah Levi's parents)
b) Travel to 3 or 4 conferences a year to share with others via an exhibitor booth.
We have some invitations to come speak and hope to combine travel to conferences and speaking in that area, as well as locally.
- Speaking at churches and in homes as a family, sharing the vision of Operation Nehemiah in South Sudan and inviting others to prayerfully and financially support Operation Nehemiah
If your church or others you know may be interested in hearing about Operation Nehemiah, we are looking for opportunities to share in homes or churches & would come out your way if at all possible. We can send you an introductory packet to give to your pastor, missions committee, or youth group leader.
b) Gather donations of clothing, first aid, school & sewing supplies for the people in South Sudan that we can take over there.
We are in the process of setting up a way to gather ALL your second hand clothes, sorting ourselves what is appropriate to take over to South Sudan and turning the rest in for cash to raise money for Operation Nehemiah. (We can send you a flyer vial snail mail or email with more info)
4) TAKE ON MORE RESPONSIBILITY from the Levi’s at Missions Headquarters
Learn the ropes of the ministry on this side of the pond in order to cover for the Levi’s for their annual trip to South Sudan (each time their trip will get longer... this last trip was 9 weeks and next time possible 3 months) until they move over there permanently. So we would be doing what they are currently doing.
a) Roger has a desire to go over & explore the possibility of starting a mechanic training course to equip men to repair and maintain vehicles that would otherwise rust away, and also as a way to support their families. This is something William already had in his vision for the village, so we are asking the Lord to order our steps and the timing of this trip and what it will entail. We do not feel called to live over there as Jon does, but we know that a trip over there to build relationships and for Roger to share his skills with the men over there is a part of what we are called to do.
b) Jon is eager to return before the end of this year to work on the farm more longterm and he wants to move there full-time one day.
Join us in praying for this new nation which God has kept for His purposes
and the work He has called us to in His name and for His glory!
It has been suggested from few friends who gave us feedback that we should raise up
30 to 50 supporters who donate anywhere from $10 to $100 or so a month.
30 to 50 supporters who donate anywhere from $10 to $100 or so a month.
Our needs are simple, we don't have much overhead, and no debt, because we only do that which God provides for us to do. So whatever the Lord puts on your heart to do, whether through PRAYER,
we trust He will use that to supply all our need & to connect our hearts in this precious works as we trumpet His goodness & faithfulness.
we trust He will use that to supply all our need & to connect our hearts in this precious works as we trumpet His goodness & faithfulness.
DONATE at www.operationsnehemiah.org/Nehemiah_Light_House.html
[at the bottom of the page that has pictures of us and Jon and our support letter]
[at the bottom of the page that has pictures of us and Jon and our support letter]
Operation Nehemiah PO BOX 2401 Plainville, MA 02762