Greetings and giving thanks for all that God is doing here for the people of South Sudan!
PRAISE God with us for:
In addition, the ministry has just received a donation of a complete DENTAL OFFICE to be shipped over in the spring of 2015. This can be set up in the village and a dentist from another area could come periodically to serve the people until someone in the village can be trained in dentistry.
As Assistant Coordinator for Sustainable Development, Jon’s primary focus for this trip will be to help to BUILD A FARMHOUSE at the Beth Israel Farmland
William Levi shares about The Beth Israel Farmhouse Project :
The time has finally come to build a home & storage warehouse in the Beth Israel farmland beginning in the later part of 2014! Our vision is to be able to accommodate both our family & an additional 3 - 4 families, including missionaries, visitors, & the families of our ground staff to allow for full time engagement in farm operations. Please keep this exciting development in prayer.

Funds stand at $40,000.00 & $46,000 more is needed to complete the Farm House. To donate to online, visit
Thank you for standing with as we rebuild the wall in the Republic of South Sudan.
May God bless you in His service. William Levi
For more detailed information about the Farmhouse go to this link:!on-matching-fund-drive/c19uv

Jon recently spoke with a seasoned traveller to Africa and he suggested Jon get a Paratrooper Folding Bike that he could take with him on the plane and a jungle hammock with mosquito netting & rain protection as his housing during the construction away from the village, so he could stay overnight out in the bush for a longer period of time.
So far, God has provided enough for Jon to get his round trip airfare, immunizations, some of the needed food & supplies, but there are some things that we are still praying in.
PRAY for provision of:
~ Additional food & supplies & travel expenses. $500 needed & more for his 6 month stay ... DEC. 8 to May 28, 2015
~ A Hennesey Deep Jungle Asym HAMMOCK (with mosquito netting & extra thick bottom that does not allow mosquito’s to bite through the bottom of the hammock) $200
~ A Montague Paratrooper Pro Folding Bike - that he can take on the plane. Someone suggested that we have contact Montague Bikes in Boston asking if they would discount or donate a bike, if we give pictures and report back of its usefulness in South Sudan. Regular price $945. Pray they call us back.
~ Funds needed for the extra checked bags on the plane that are filled with donations of clothing, sewing, school & first aid supplies. PRAY for the $400 needed for extra bag fees, or better, yet, for favor with the authorities that they wave the fee.
Thank you for sending Jonathan off with your prayerful support. Jon could not be there without it. Please be praying for those in the village of Borongole, as well, who are hard at work year round, to rebuild their nation and share the Lord's bounty with others around them.
Operation Nehemiah Mission focuses on the Great Commission in the South Sudan sharing the Hope of Salvation in Jesus the Messiah for the redemption of mankind from their sin. It focuses on rebuilding the Family, the Church and Community from the ashes of war. This is done through establishing genuine long term indigenous leadership among the South Sudanese nationals & pastors through family discipleship and sustainable living. Our objective is to reduce the resources coming from USA and other countries by increasing the resources within the country. Our success will be measured by communicating the biblical framework of the family and the church. Along with that comes the local pastoral leadership, in conducting workshops on the sufficiency of scripture; Christ centered worship, and biblical peacemaking and a work ethic to deal with physical need of their flock in society. We encourage men, women and children to play their proper roles in the home, church and community by working with their own hands. New believers are exhorted to make their calling and election sure, putting on the new life and identity in Christ. ” For more information on Operation Nehemiah please visit our main website at
We, as a family, are available to come to your home, church, small group, homeschool or Christian school to share Jon’s slides and tell of the work being done and the needs over in South Sudan.
Blessed to be His, The Lueken family
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Then choose PayPal (we get 97%) or Credit card (we get 100%)
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Mail checks to Operation Nehemiah PO Box 2401, Plainville, MA 02762 (we get 100%)