Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Leaving "God Room" that others SEE His glorious intervention!

 William Levi, the founder of Operation Nehemiah has always had to step out believing for more than he could possibly SEE & DO giving God Room to demonstrate that He sees our need & the needs of the people of Borongole and will provide!'

God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.' 2 Corinthians 9:8a 


In Franklin Graham’s autobiography, Rebel With A Cause, he relates a conversation that he had with the late Dr. Bob Pierce, the founder of two large Christian ministries (World Vision and Samaritan’s Purse).This conversation took place long before Franklin Graham became officially associated with Samaritan’s Purse. 

During this conversation, Dr. Pierce introduced to Franklin the concept of the “God-room principle.” He explained that this principle is a part of the process that begins when we see a need that we believe God wants us to meet! We accept the challenge and set about raising funds, acquiring materials, volunteering our services, and doing whatever it takes to meet that need! However when we have raised all that we can of the required resources, there is still a gap between the “required” resources and our “accumulated” resources. It is then that we realize that there is no way by which we can humanly meet the need! That is when we pray for God’s intervention, and we leave space (room) for Him to work. At this point all that we can do is step back and watch God faithfully close the gap! 

Dr. Pierce further explained that the “God-room principle” only works when we commit ourselves to bigger things than we can humanly do! It is then that we will have the opportunity to watch God work a miracle by closing the gap! Dr. Pierce explained that our faith is not required: as long as we set our goals only as high as the most intelligent, most informed, and most expert human efforts can reach! Nothing is a miracle until it reaches the area where the utmost that human effort can do is still not enough! God has to fill that space (room) between what “is possible for man to do on his own” and what God wants done.” We do not exercise our faith until we realize that we have promised more than it is possible for us to do! 

God has to fill that space (room) between what “is possible for man to do on his own” and what God wants done.”
Think about it! Has there ever been a time in your life when you saw a need and then did everything that was humanly possible for you to do to meet that need, but there was still a gap? I know that I have – many times! Only then that I had to admit that I had promised more than it was humanly possible for me to do! It is at that point of admission that each of us must surrender the need to God, step back, and give Him the space (room) in which to work: and He closes the gap! 

“Precious heavenly Father, I thank You for so lovingly and graciously allowing us to be a part of Your work here on earth! Help us never to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think, when we are working to meet a need that we believe You want us to meet. Please help us to know the right time to step back and give You the space (room) in which to work, and then watch You work a miracle to close the gap! You are an awesome, mighty God"  
Elsie L. McFarland
Be glorified in the eyes of many as you provide for us here to take many blessings over there to South Sudan
"To help define the term Bob told Franklin a story of 2 contrasting churches. One church needed to remodel their building and said they needed to raise 100,000 dollars. Initially they just raised 75,000 from within their congregation. The rest of the 25,000 they went personally to members and asked them to give the rest, and they did. Bob said “that’s what human strategy and planning can do. Nothing wrong with that, Buddy (name he called Franklin), but just don’t call it faith.” Franklin replied “They reached their goal, didn’t they? Wasn’t that faith?” Bob replied “Naw, that’s just good sense at work.” Then Bob proceeded to tell Franklin of the other church. The other church had outgrown their present building and needed to expand their facilities. The members gave 200,000 for the project. Bob replied “About that time a missionary couple from India came home from furlough and worshipped with the congregation. They told about the hellhole of Calcutta. The people could hardly believe what they heard. The couple never asked for anything, just shared the needs of the homeless, starving children they were trying to care of. You know what, Buddy? The board of the church got so involved with that vision they voted to take the entire two hundred thousand dollars and gave it to the missionaries for their work.” In reference to the second church Franklin stated, “Later on I learned that this church became one of the fastest growing congregations in the United States and completed several building programs.” Bob replied “Their giving money to the missionaries…that was faith.” Then Bob stated “That’s where ‘God Room’ comes in. Nothing is a miracle until it reaches the area where the utmost that human effort can do still isn’t enough. God has to fill that space…room…between what’s possible and what He wants done that’s impossible. That’s what I mean by ‘God Room.’” ` K. Boones"Nothing is a miracle until it reaches the area where the utmost that human effort can do still isn’t enough. God has to fill that space…room…between what’s possible and what He wants done that’s impossible." Bob Pierce 

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